out of box ideas

13 May, 2024

Out-of-the-Box Marketing Ideas Using Promotional Umbrellas

If you're looking to jazz up your marketing strategies and add a bit of flair, you're in the right spot. We've all seen the usual run-of-the-mill marketing tactics, but why not sprinkle in a bit of creativity? Today, I'm here to chat about some ripper ideas that involve one of the most underrated promotional items - the umbrella. Let's look at some marketing ideas that are as fun as a day at the beach!

1. Umbrella Art Show: Unleashing Local Talent
Imagine a sunny arvo, maybe down at the local park or in a community hall, buzzing with locals keen to show off their artistic chops on something as everyday as an umbrella. It's not just an art show; it's a celebration of creativity and community spirit!

How It Works:
- Call for Artists: Start by putting out a call for local artists. Whether they're seasoned pros or just dabbling in paints, everyone's welcome. You might even find some hidden gems in your community!

- Theme It Up: To make it even more interesting, why not throw in a theme? Something that resonates with your brand or the local culture. Maybe 'Beach Vibes' or 'Urban Jungle'? Let those creative juices flow!

- The Big Day: Set up your venue with easels and umbrellas. You can have live painting sessions where onlookers can watch art come to life right before their eyes. Add in some local music, a sausage sizzle, and you've got yourself a fair dinkum event!

- Prizes and Recognition: Acknowledge the hard yakka of your artists. Offer prizes for the best designs – maybe a feature in your store, a spot in your next ad, or a cash prize. It's all about giving a leg up to local talent.

- Get Social: Encourage participants and attendees to share their experiences on social media. Use a catchy hashtag to track the buzz. This isn't just good for the artists; it's ace for your brand's visibility too.

Why It Rocks:
- Community Engagement: This isn't just another marketing stunt; it's a way to genuinely connect with your community. You're supporting local artists, creating a fun event for families, and bringing a splash of colour to everyone's day.

- Brand Exposure: Each umbrella is a canvas for your brand. It's subtle yet effective. People won't just see your logo; they'll see your brand supporting local art and culture.

- Sustainability Angle: Why not use eco-friendly or recycled materials for the umbrellas? Show that your brand cares about the environment. It’s a hot topic and a great way to show you're doing your bit.

After the Event:
- Display the Art: Showcase the painted umbrellas in your store or office. It's a talking point for customers and a lovely way to keep the event's spirit alive.

- Community Projects: Partner with local councils or businesses to display thm in public spaces. It's art, it's marketing, it's community beautification all rolled into one.

So, there you go! An Umbrella Art Show isn't just about painting on a quirky canvas; it's about building connections, sparking creativity, and giving your brand a personality that resonates with the community. It's a chance to show you're not just another faceless brand – you're part of the neighbourhood, just like a good old corner shop. Let's bring some art, heart, and smart marketing together!

2. Umbrella Flash Mobs: Making a Splash

Umbrella Flash Mob - Image Credit: mancunianmatters.co.uk

Alrighty, let's chat about turning a dreary day into something extraordinary with Umbrella Flash Mobs. These aren't your regular, run-of-the-mill marketing stunts. They're dynamic, they're fun, and blimey, do they make for some great social media content!

How It Rolls:
- Gather Your Mob: Start by rallying a group of enthusiastic participants. They could be employees, local dance troupes, or just anyone keen to have a bit of fun and shake up their routine.

- Choreography is Key: Work on a simple yet catchy choreography that incorporates your branded umbrellas. Think twirls, flips, and synchronised popping open of umbrellas. It doesn't have to be 'Dancing with the Stars' level – just something that looks great en masse.

- Location, Location, Location: Pick a public place that sees a good footfall. Busy city squares, parks, or popular beachfronts – spots where people least expect a dance performance.

- Timing is Everything: Go for a time when you can catch a good crowd. Lunch hours in business districts or weekend afternoons in public parks work wonders.

- Capture the Moment: Have a team ready to film the event from multiple angles. You want to capture not just the performance, but also the surprised and delighted reactions of the onlookers.

Why It's a Ripper Idea:
- Viral Potential: Flash mobs have a knack for going viral. They're fun to watch and share. And when those umbrellas pop open, revealing your brand, that's free advertising reaching far beyond the physical location of the mob.

- Engagement Boost: It's not just about the live performance. Encourage participants and the audience to share their videos and experiences online. Hashtags, online contests, and social media challenges can keep the buzz going long after the performance.

- Community Connection: It's a great way to engage with the community in a fun, non-salesy way. People love brands that can have a bit of a laugh and aren't afraid to try something different.

After the Show:
- Share the Joy: Post the best clips on your social media channels. Tag participants, locations, and use relevant hashtags to increase reach.

- Encourage Shares and Remixes: Challenge your online community to create their own umbrella dances or memes based on your flash mob. It keeps the interaction alive and kicking.

- Reflect and Reconnect: Use this opportunity to gather feedback and engage in conversations with your audience. What did they think? Would they like to see more such events?

In essence, it is more than just a dance with umbrellas. It's about creating a moment of joy and surprise that connects your brand with people in a lighthearted and memorable way. It's about making your brand a part of their happy memories. And let's be honest, in a world where ads are everywhere, bringing a smile to someone's face is the best kind of marketing there is. So, let's dance in the rain (or sunshine) and spread some cheer! 

3. Umbrella Exchange Program: Out with the Old, In with the New

Umbrella Exchange Program

Let's talk about a great idea that's both eco-friendly and great for brand promotion – the Umbrella Exchange Program. It's all about giving those old, tattered brollies a new lease on life while giving your customers something snazzy in return. It's like turning an op shop find into a trendy piece but for umbrellas!

Setting Up the Swap:
- Promote the Program: Kick things off with a bang – use social media, email newsletters, and in-store signage to let your customers know about the umbrella exchange program. Make sure they know what they're getting – a brand spanking new custom golf umbrella with your eye-catching logo.

- Collection Points: Set up designated collection points in your store or partner with local cafes, libraries, or community centres. Make it easy and convenient for folks to drop off their old ones.

- The Exchange: When someone drops off an old one, hand them a new one with your brand proudly displayed. It's a simple exchange that leaves everyone chuffed.

- Quality Matters: Ensure the new ones are top-notch – sturdy, stylish, and maybe even featuring some cool, eco-friendly materials.

Why It's a Beaut Idea:
Sustainability Street Cred: By recycling old umbrellas, you're showing your commitment to the environment. It's a hot topic, and people love brands that are doing their bit for the planet.

- Boosts Foot Traffic: People have to come into your store (or your partner location) to swap them. That's more foot traffic, and who knows what else they might buy while they're there?

- Brand Loyalty: Customers will appreciate the practicality and thoughtfulness of the program. It's not just a transaction; it's a gesture that shows you care. That builds loyalty.

After the Exchange:
- Umbrella Makeover: Before donating the old umbrellas, consider giving them a bit of a spruce up. Maybe a local artist can add some flair? Then, donate these revamped umbrellas to shelters, community centres, or street vendors. It's about giving back in style.

- Tell the Story: Document the journey of the exchanged umbrellas – from being dropped off, spruced up, to their new homes. Share this story with your customers. It’s not just marketing; it’s a heartwarming tale.

- Feedback and Follow-Up: Engage with participants post-exchange. What did they think of the new one? How do they feel about the initiative? This feedback is gold for improving future campaigns and staying connected with your audience.

So, there you have it – an Umbrella Exchange Program that's as beneficial for the environment as it is for your brand. It's a simple idea with a big impact, showing that your brand isn't just about the profits, but also about making a positive difference in the community and the environment. Let's turn those old brollies into new possibilities and make a splash while we're at it! 

4. Weather-Themed Contests: Bringing Fun to the Rainy Days

Fun In The Rain

Alrighty, let's wrap our heads around this cracker of an idea. It's about turning those gloomy, rainy days into a playground of creativity and laughs, all while giving your brand a bit of the spotlight.

Setting Up the Contest:
- Choose Your Theme: Go beyond just 'rainy days'. How about 'The Great Umbrella Adventure' or 'Rainy Day Mishaps'? Get creative with it. You want a theme that's going to spark some real fun and storytelling.

- Spread the Word: Use all your social media channels to promote the contest. Engaging graphics, catchy captions, and maybe even a cheeky video to get things rolling.

- Simple Participation: Make entering the contest a breeze. Whether it’s sharing a story, posting a photo, or creating a short video – keep it simple but engaging. Don’t forget to have a unique hashtag for easy tracking.

- Judging and Prizes: Decide how you'll pick the winners. Public voting, panel of judges, or maybe just the most likes? And, of course, the prize – your swanky branded umbrellas. Maybe throw in some other goodies for extra smiles.

Why It's a Great Idea:
- Boosts Engagement: These contests are a great way to get your audience actively involved with your brand. It’s not just about views or likes; it’s about real interaction.

- Community Building: You're creating a community around your brand by sharing stories and photos. People get to see and engage with other customers, turning your brand's social media space into a lively community hub.

- Brand Visibility: Every shared story or photo is another chance for your brand to be seen, not just by your followers but by their networks too.

After the Contest:
- Showcase the Winners: Make a big deal out of announcing the winners. Showcase their entries on your platforms. It’s their moment to shine, and it’s your brand being associated with positivity and fun.

- Feedback Loop: Engage with participants after the contest. What did they like? What could be better? This info is like gold for planning future campaigns.

- Keep the Momentum Going: Use the content from the contest to keep the fun alive. Throwback posts, compilations, or even a little ‘behind the scenes’ of the contest can keep the engagement rolling.

So, there you go! Weather-themed contests are more than just a marketing strategy; they're a way to bring a bit of sunshine to those rainy days. It's about connecting with your audience on a personal level, sharing laughs, and making your brand a part of their happy memories. Let's make those rainy days a bit brighter and spread some cheer, one story and photo at a time! 

Wrapping It Up
Marketing doesn't have to be dry and boring. With these creative ideas, your promotional umbrellas can become more than just a rainy-day accessory; they can be a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal. It's all about thinking outside the box, or should I say, outside the umbrella! Give these ideas a whirl, and watch your brand make a splash in the most unexpected ways. 

The Umbrellas Only Team